Emun/Emunah: Revisiting FAITHFULNESS

I find that FAITH is one of those words that everyone loves, but no one really thinks about. When someone says, “Have faith,”  what they're really saying is, “Don't worry about it.” Having faith is like trusting that everything will be all right. But everything is not alright. And people are losing faith simply because… Continue reading Emun/Emunah: Revisiting FAITHFULNESS

Netzar, Tsemakh, Dalit, Porah, Anaph: The Righteous BRANCH

BRANCH: netser, masculine noun (Strong's 5342); tsemakh, masculine noun (Strong's 6780); dalit, feminine noun (Strong's 1808); porah, feminine noun (Strong's 6288); anaph, masculine noun (Strong's 6057). Root & sounds like: נצר (nay-tser); Root: צמח (tseh'mahk); Root: דלה (dah'lah); Root: פארה (poh'rah); Root: ענף (anaf). My Dad is a Bonsai artist. He painstakingly prunes and cares… Continue reading Netzar, Tsemakh, Dalit, Porah, Anaph: The Righteous BRANCH

Revisiting Hope (Tiqvah)

For the last 170 Sundays in a row I have presented a new Biblical Hebrew word to contemplate and trace through the Bible. Today, the 171st Sunday, I am trying something new. We're going to go back in time to revisit a word from this blog's past. Image by Johannes Plenio (Unsplash.com) There are a… Continue reading Revisiting Hope (Tiqvah)


UNITED/TOGETHER: yakhad. (Strong’s 3161/3162). Root: יחד Sounds like: yah-khad In these days of quarantine it is, perhaps, more important than ever to cherish the very human instinct of togetherness and unity. It's been a strange year of separation and even the most introverted of us miss working together, and playing together, and worshiping YHWH together. … Continue reading Yakhad: UNITED TOGETHER

Eser/A’sarah: Top TEN

TEN: eser/a’sarah. masculine & feminine noun. (Strong’s 6235).  TENTH: asor. masculine noun. (6218). TITHE: ma-aser. masculine noun & verb. (4643, 6237). Root: עשר Sounds like: eh'ser/aw'sahrah/ah'sore/ma-ah'sehr Welcome to a brand new year! This is the time when we often hear people summing up the previous year with a list of top tens: top ten best… Continue reading Eser/A’sarah: Top TEN